Yikes, I just realized I missed posting these entirely! Well, I had a couple really busy months. (setting the post date to Jan 15, 2018 when it's really Mar 6.) Client: Chicago Uni Alumni Magazine
New portfolio pieces
Here are three new pieces in a style I'm developing with a strong conceptual foundation, showing full human figures. I'll be sending a newsletter shortly to get them out to art directors.
A recent history of the ACA health care fight in advocacy graphics
Here are some of the graphics I've made for Raising Women's Voices to help fight the GOP attack on the ACA / Obamacare and also to oppose their ruinous health care bills in the House and Senate. RWV has been fighting for better health care long before the ACA. We should be grateful to them, especially now. It's been a wild ride trying to keep up with changing tactics and bill versions.
Getting to graduation
Recent illo for Purdue... the challenge of getting post grads to stay on track and graduate.
That monstrous U.S. Senate Health Care bill... #KillTheBill
Some recent design work for my health care rights advocacy client. This means a lot to me.
if you're kicking 22 million people off their insurance, that's not a "health care" bill. Oppose the Senate bill. - Raising Women's Voices
What's behind this door? Senate Republicans are scheming to take health coverage away from millions of Americans. (In order to give a big tax cut to wealthy people.) - Raising Women's Voices
For my longtime repro rights client, a politcal cartoon
Trump's Zombie Bill
Not my usual thing, but I'm happy with how this came out and this topic is squarely in two of my interest areas: politics and reproductive and health care rights for women (and everyone, really).
Political cartoon on the GOP's and Trump's horrifying health care reform "zombie" bill. "Why won't it stay dead??!!"
On Digg.com: “Can Amazon's Alexa Be Your Friend?”
The article is about Amazon’s Alexa device and human’s relationships with the technology as well as, perhaps more importantly, privacy concerns in the emerging Internet of Things era.
In Scientific American: "When breathing goes awry"
In March 2017 issue